Friday, 8 April 2011


Alhamdulillah....we already finished presenting far so good.... this all thank to En. Azmi for all the guidance showed. without him maybe we all a little bit lost... the content of the problem in PBL 2 does not hard as i can understand the problem quite well..moreover, the question ask also straight forward and the text also easy to understand.. there nothing that i don't like about it.. my group seem ok in co-operates while doing our assingment..everyone is ok and great...  lastly..i am hoping that we are able to finish the last assingment that is PBL 3 soon...TQ

Thursday, 17 March 2011

  1. be confident
  2. be creative
  3. be prepared
  4. be people with sense of humor 
  5. n the most important, to be perfect presenter must practice..pratice..and practice!!!

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

PBL Session 1

What I do not know about this case/problem?

i do understand about the case but i do not know how to answer the question properly. my friend and i need Encik Azmi help to guide us on how to answer the question properly and teach us how to gathered information correctly.

What I like about PBL Session?

i like it because it a group project where we manage to share opinion and information.  So in this way, we are able to debate and help each other while discussing the case problems.

What I do not like about the PBL Session?

honestly, assignment or anything project is the last hting that i wanna do in my studies, well that is my bad because i know that  with this PBL Session it will help me a lot in my studies and also and help in the future as i will further to looking a job.

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Once upon a time...explore time...for the new thing. This is my new blog, and hope to explore further on it..i am not very creative so fellow friends pls guide me trough this new thing....i hope to get more benefit from this blogger...can't wait to see what will happen next!!! 'happy mood'=)